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Conference proceedings

General information

Authors that submit an abstract to the conference are encouraged to write a paper for the conference proceedings. These submitted papers will be published as Proceedings on IEEE Xplore.


For publication in the Proceedings, it is required, that the content of the submitted paper is presented by the author or one co-author as indicated at abstract submission, as poster or oral talk at the conference.

Preparation of the paper

For regular contributions, the paper may be up to 2 pages in length. For invited presentation and plenary talks this limit is increased to 3 and 4 pages respectively.


This page limit for the conference proceedings is put in place to give room to also publish your work in a Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions of Plasma Science. Please see the Special Issue page for more details.


The template for the conference proceedings can be found here.

Submission of the paper

Submit your paper online before 27 September 2024. Details on how to submit will follow later.


The Conference proceeding will be available on IEEE Xplore at the beginning of 2025.

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Local Organizing Committee
Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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