Special issue in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
The IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science invites all attendees of the 10th Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference (EAPPC 2024), the 25th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams (BEAMS 2024) and the 20th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Launch Technology (EML 2024) to submit your manuscripts to a Special Issue dedicated to this joint conference. The full call for papers can be viewed in the pdf at the bottom of this page. The objective of this Special Issue is to provide the widest possible distribution of archival quality papers detailing up-to-date developments reported at EAPPC/BEAMS/EML 2024. Contributions to the Special Issue will undergo the same rigorous review standards as typical for all IEEE Transactions and Journals.
IEEE policy requires that a manuscript submitted to the Special Issue must be significantly revised and lengthened from that published on the conference proceedings. Every submission to the Special Issue will undergo an automatic plagiarism check by comparing with articles previous published elsewhere.
This Special Issue is open to, but not limited to, all attendees of EAPPC/BEAMS/EML 2024. The IEEE website “ScholarOne Manuscripts” at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tps-ieee will be used for electronic manuscript submission. Papers should be submitted to the website no later than December 31, 2024 in order to complete the review process in time for the October 2025 publication date. Authors may seek additional information by contacting any one of the Guest Editors.